Hire with CANDIDIQ

Replace Buzzwords with Scenario-Based Hiring.

Our Competitors

Other competitors that provide candidate screening platforms and services rely on building assessments on general industry knowledge. This leds to minimally effective screenings with questions that can be easily studied or looked up by candidates.

These types of questions are generally helpful to guage the foundational understanding of entry-level candidates but are less helpful in identifying experienced professionals.

CANDIDIQ's Approach

Unlike our competitors, CANDIDIQ curates scenario-based assessments based on the real-life experiences of Subject Matter Experts. This makes each of our screeners highly relevant to your company's needs and role, providing you an accurate assessment of candidates' actual experience and their decision making abilities.

Our expertise-driven approach for scenario-based hiring also means that it is highly difficult for candidates to study for or to look-up the answers. 

Confidently Vet Candidates

Identify top talent accurately and cost-effectively with CANDIDIQ's scenario-based hiring solutions.

Our mission

Our mission at CANDIDIQ is to revolutionize the recruiting landscape that is overly dependent on buzzwords and brand pedigree. With our scenario-based approach modeled on the expertise of seasoned professionals, it is our aim to bring merit back to this industry.

Our values

two people shaking hands

Equitable Partnership

We succeed when you succeed. We are active partners from day one with 1:1 consultations to tailor your experience. Our work is also backed by our 6-month retention gaurantee.

Recruitment and Human resource management concept

Quality Over Quantity

We determine success by how quickly and accurately we get you to your next hire. We actively seek feedback on candidate yield and quality ratios.

two women sitting on leather chairs in front of table

Leading By Example

Our team practices what we preach; leading with expertise. Work with CANDIDIQ to feel confident about hiring the next expert that will solve your specific business needs.